+91 70034 40247


Struggling to get interview calls?

Get a exquisite professional resume to land more interviews and get hired faster.

Fast-track your career with our resume writing service

Get success in landing a new job faster with a resume that shows your strength. Trust our experts to write your resume using the right keywords to highlight your career goals and achievements effectively. We ace at quality formatting to make your resume stand out.


Years of Experience


Resume written




Customer satisfaction

Candidates who invest in a professionally written resume get

Keyword Optimised Resume

We help candidates include important keywords which recruiters are teaching, and candidates often miss out using a self-written resume.

Higher visibility amongrecruiters

Job seekers using our resumes are interviewed 2 to 3 times more often than those using self-written resumes.

Higher changes of selected

Candidates using resumes rewritten by us have proven to be 2 times more likely to secure a new job than those using a self-written resume.

Sample Resumes



What are the benefits of a professionally written resume?

Your resume has to appeal to both the resume scanning software and the hiring manager for a successful job search. Otherwise, you risk your job application getting dismissed without consideration because of your resume.

Who will write my resume?

A professional team at Real Placements will collaborate with you and understand your history and career goals. Once we’ve learned more about you, writers will work on the first draft, which generally gets delivered to you in about a week.

In which format I will get my resume?

We will share an editable doc file with you so you can make changes as required.

How many rounds of revisions are allowed?

We make sure to give you the best possible resume in the first draft, but as there is always a scope of improvement, we allow up to two rounds of revisions.

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